DSSC 2021-2022 Annual General Meeting

AGM Starts at 7pm - Please note time change
Location Sungod Recreation Centre
Start date May 1, 2023 7:00 PM
End date May 1, 2023 8:00 PM
Job sign up open Apr 11, 2023 7:00 PM
Job sign up deadline May 1, 2023 5:59 PM

DSSC will be hosting our Annual General Meeting (AGM) Monday May 1st @7pm (following the nutritionist session) at Sungod Recreation Centre in the lobby meeting room. All DSSC parents/guardians are encouraged to attend and will receive 2 PPP points (per family.) 

As a non-profit society, DSSC's Board of Directors directs the non-training aspects of the club. The AGM is our review of the last season's policy and financial performance. In addition, board members report on last season's activities, we confirm/elect new board members and we give guidance on our goals for the future.

The agenda and last year's minutes are attached. Please review in advance of the meeting.

2021-2022 AGM Agenda

2020-2021 AGM Minutes

